Saturday, January 14, 2012

AND I'm Back!

I sometimes don't know why I blog, and then when I don't blog I wondered why I don't blog. I think for me it is just the lack of time and maybe I feel my life just isn't interesting enough to keep updating it weekly. So I will go on Blogging once every couple of months. It has been 2 months since my last update.
Jake is his usual rambunctious 2 year old self. Sometimes I look at him and think he is 3, but really only because the kid is wearing 3T clothes and isn't even 2.5 yet. He gets it from daddy. There is no way my short self produced tall hefty children. We finally got him into a twin bed a few days after Christmas. He was climbing out of his crib a lot so we knew it was time for him. It wasn't hard convincing him to sleep in his new bed. We dressed it up with tractor sheets and his new Moose Pillow pet. Jake has been an excellent sleeper for us since he was 6 months. He rarely wakes up in the middle of the night unless he is sick. Our only struggle with him are mornings and the early hour he wakes up. Bed time has always been about 7:30 or at the latest 8pm for him. He has been waking up at 5:45 or 6am for the last couple of weeks. The first week he would run into our room and feel around for me waking me up out of a dead sleep. One morning I remember feeling little hot hands all over my face. I had no idea what was going on so I began flailing my arms around as if to try to swat away a swarm of bugs. I have been walking him back to his bed and telling him not to get up until we come and get him. I also put a clock in his room and have been showing him what 7:00 looks like so he has a time he is allowed to get out of his bed. I don't mind getting up at 6am, but not to start my day because Jake gets me out of bed. I would love to get up at 6am and read, journal, pray for an hour before I start my day. It always better prepares me for my very busy days with two busy boys during these long, cold winter months. Yesterday morning I woke up hearing a milk thudding noise. I found Jake in his bathroom playing in a sink filled to the top with bubbles. He had dumped an entire bottle of a travel sized baby shampoo bottle in the sink and ran the water for who knows how long. That was at 5:50am. He said he was brushing his teeth! I hoped it wasn't with the soap!
January and February are rough months for me. Winter is just too long and being stuck inside our tiny house all day long makes us all a little bonkers. Last winter Jake and I went out nearly everyday for a walk even when it was 20 degrees. This year I have only been out a handful of times if it is below 40. Having a 9 month who can't crawl around on the wet, cold and muddy or snowy ground makes it hard. I have a hiking carrier I can carry him with but he is pretty heavy after 30 min. Jake has been good about playing outside with Max by himself. He either stays in the backyard or in the garage. He loves the snow! I enjoy watching him run around with Max laughing when Max chases him and knocks him into the snow.
Jake has discovered the movie CARS and is in love! We got him Mator and Lightening cars for Christmas and Grandma Shari got him the movie. He asks me everyday to watch Lightening. When I say "No, not today" he usually responds by saying, "my love Lightening." I love the sentences that come out of his mouth! I understand most everything he says and if I don't have a clue Jake usually tries to say it a different way. One time he was trying to say the name of an animal and I was clueless! He knew I didn't know what he was saying so he started making the sound the animals makes to help me out! I was impressed at how he thought to do that.
Short update on Wade. He started taking his first steps the day he turned 9 months! I try not to encourage my babies to grow up too fast but I do love it when they start walking early! He has been practicing for 2 weeks today and as of 2 days ago he walks more than he crawls now. It is so funny to watch because he is still so little to me. He has great balance, just like his mommy.
I haven't moved Wade into Jake's room yet. With Jake waking up at 6am I don't want Wade being woken up when he usually sleep until 7-7:30am. I would love to have them together now but want to give Jake a little time to learn that he isn't supposed to get up before 7am. It wouldn't surprise me if I found Jake in Wade's crib waking up his brother so he had someone to play with.
Well boring update but I feel better now that I have at least written something. I wish i had pictures. Our camera stopped holding a battery charge so I have no new pictures to post until we get a new camera.

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