Saturday, March 31, 2012

Little Waders

Our little man turns 1 today! Just like that and my baby ends his first year of life and steps into toddler hood. Hardly seems right for the innocence of the baby stage to be so short and before I know it he will be testing and challenging me like his big brother is. I have thoroughly enjoyed Wade's first year! Though stubborn, he is overall a happy, enjoyable little guy. Reminds me everyday of why children are a blessing from the Lord and how lucky I am to be his mommy. These younger years go by so fast and I am so glad that I got to be around for each of his firsts.
First smile
First bath(surely that came before his first smile)
First time rolling over
First time sitting up
First laugh
First steps
First time he kissed me(kind of hard to not be around for that one but I was the first one he kissed)
First word
I have cherished each of these moments and as hard as it is to let go of the fact that he won't be this little for much longer I love watching him learn, discover, laugh, play, and get excited over the simple things in life. I am very grateful to my little ones for the way that they have changed me and given me opportunities to grow and learn from them.
Love you Wade Robert Wisley!

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