Sunday, May 15, 2011

Heaven Is For REAL!

I just finished one of the best books I have ever read today called, "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo. It is a true story of a 3.5 year old boy name Colton who gets really sick and ends up having to be operated on to clean out his insides. He was near death and the doctors were sure he wasn't going to make it. After the boy miraculously pulls through and is sent home, months later Colton begins telling his mom and dad about meeting Jesus in Heaven as well as several other people related to his parents he didn't even know about which proved more that Colton really had visited the eternal place. Over the course of months and years, Colton describes Heaven and Jesus to his parents just as it is described in the Bible, but from a child's eyes and in his own words. It is almost unbelievable to me, but at the same time completely believable. I highly recommend this book! It is a quick and easy read! I was reminded of what a child-like faith looks like and made me look forward to getting to see heaven with my own eyes even more! I hope you get the chance to read it for yourself!


  1. What a beautiful story. That is so amazing. A 3.5 year wouldn't know how to make something like that up. Thanks for sharing this story.

  2. I was just talking about this boy today.

  3. I keep picking up that book at Costco. Next time I am there I think I will have to get it! Thanks for sharing!
