Today Jake is two months old and Jake had his very first doctors visit today in Kokomo. He is as healthy as can be and the Doctor was impressed with how strong Jake is at two months old. He weighed in at 13lb and is 24 inches long. So he has gained nearly 5 lb in the last 8.5 weeks and grew 3.5 inches. I wish I could post some more pics but my computer won't let me.
All is well in the Wisley household! Jake slept from 9:30-5am for me. It was awesome to wake up and not feel tired when I fed him. 6.5 hours of sleep was wondefrul and I was able to get another 2 hours after I fed him so I didn't feel the need to nap today. First time since he was born I didn't need a nap.
He is smiling a ton lately and very close to giggling for us. He likes to talk to me right after I feed him and while he is settling in his crib for a nap if he spits his pacifier out, which doesn't happen very often anymore because he is able to hold it in his mouth so much better now.
Jake still spits up a lot when I feed him but it should last too much longer from what I hear. Nursing is going well and he is nursing a lot faster now so I don't feel like I am feeding him all the time even though he still eats about every 3 hours.
I love having him on a schedule during the day. It makes things so much easier for me because I know what he needs when he cries 95% of the time. I have been using a Feed time/ Wake Time/Sleep Time schedule and it has worked great! Sometime he tries to fall asleep on me when I nurse him so I do all I can to wake him up to make sure he gets a full feeding and not just a snack. This allows him to go a full 3+ hours before he needs to eat again and allows him to sleep longer during the night. I have had some people tell me to just demand feed him whenever he cries. but I didn't want him to grow up thinking that anytime he was upset to turn to food for comfort. I feel that in a way I demand feed him since he demands it when he really is hungry! I just know that not every cry is a means for food. That is why pacifiers are so great. In the words of my dear friend Kari, "Pacifiers are boob savers!"
He has taken a bottle very easily. We have already left him with someone for a couple differents night so Joe and I can get some alone time. This has been hard for me because #1: I miss him a lot #2 I know him better than anyone else and #3 I don't want his schedule to get messed up. I am a little anal when it comes to certain things like Jake but hey, at least I am getting to the point where I am okay leaving him with other people already! I am a first time mom. You know how it was with your first baby. Remember!
Yesterday we went to Shipshiwana to visit our friends Nate and Kari who just had their second baby girl, Jada about 5 weeks ago. It was crazy to see the difference between Jake and Jada. 3 weeks is a big difference. Jake has lost his infant look. Jada was so cute and so tiny! Love and Miss you guys a ton!
Welp, gonna go write some thank you cards that I am three weeks behind on.
God Bless!
we miss you too!! :)