Friday, November 20, 2009

Stay away from Fabric Softner. Use this instead!

Go to this website and read about fabric softners and why you shouldn't use them anymore. Baking Soda and Vinager are cheap and safe and can do so much more than just clean and soften your clothes. Check it out!


  1. I stopped using most household cleaners a few years ago when A started having breathing problems. Most cleaners (including dishwashing detergent and commercial laundry detergent) contain chlorine which has been proven to trigger asthma symptoms. Dishwashing det. is especially harmful b/c the heat from your dishwasher leaves a very concentrated chlorine hanging in the air for hours. I think this is a good message to get out. Plus, most natural cleaning solutions are just as effective and WAY cheaper than commercial stuff... and smell way better, too!

  2. Many of those same chemicals are in many makeup and hair products too. Especially shampoo, conditioner, and hairspray
