Saturday, May 1, 2010

Etiquette/Good Manners

Time changes, but having manners shouldn't. I researched the word "etiquette" this week and here is what I came up with. I found a website by a woman named Emily Post who has passed away recently. She was an expert in "etiquette" and I found her site to be quite helpful in this category, although there were a few categories I was unable to find any information on. I don't have my panties in a bunch or anything. I just thought it would be interesting to read up on it. I don't hold these things over people's heads. I am not that picky, except for maybe the "Time" category, but maybe I just need to work on my patience a little more too. ;)
Bathroom Etiquette - The Toilet Seat Rule.
Some men have a terrible habit of leaving it up after they relieve themselves. Luckily I have a husband that ALWAYS puts the seat down, thanks to his lovely mother for instilling that rule in him. I have, however had several guests, leave the seat up after they use the toilet. Boys,  it would be so considerate of you if you could try to remember to put the seat down when you are finished. I prefer to not have to touch the seat unless I am cleaning it once a week. Thanks!
RSVP Etiquette - RSVP is french for "repondez s'il vous plait" or "please reply" I have failed at giving a prompt reply to an invitation in the past and hate myself for it. Proper etiquette for an invitation is to reply to it within two days of receiving the invitation.  I've been in the position of the invitation sender and experience frustration from people not responding to the invite.
Time Etiquette - this one is my own rule. I couldn't find time etiquette on Emily's website but it should be there. I have always been a person of punctuality and appreciate it when people I make appointments with do the same. I understand that there are circumstance where a person has a good reason for being late to things, but there are also those people who are late to everything.  Working as a personal trainer for 4 years I experienced many a client that would consistently show up late for our workout appointments. One in particular met with me 2 times a week at 6:30AM and never showed up on time. In fact, she was always at least 20 min late. For those of you who hate getting up before 7am, like me, can relate to how annoying this is.  Luckily I don't perform like a doctors office and give them their full session when they were late. Every client had a 45 min time slot. Whether they chose to show up on time or not, was up to them.  Being late on occasion doesn't bother me. I am not that up-tight, but I do appreciate people who respect other people's time
Conversation Etiquette - I was going to title this one as "The Interrupting Child" but changed it because adults are at fault for interrupting conversations as well. Interrupting a conversation or someone that is talking to you is a BIG  'no' no' in my book. I have been interrupted one too many times by people I am talking too, whether in person or over the phone as well as interruption by someone not even involved in the circle of conversation who jumps in before the speaker is finished. I don't know why it is so hard but, before opening your mouth make sure the person that is speaking is done speaking. Not a hard rule to follow. Even more annoying then that is when a child interrupts. Not because they loudly proclaim they need someone's attention, but because in a lot of cases the adult they are trying to get the attention from give it to them, teaching them that it is okay to interrupt whenever they want something. Growing up my parents told us we were to never interrupt them when they were speaking with someone. If we needed something we were to give them a light squeeze on the arm so they knew we would like to ask them something when they were able to listen.  It worked like a charm!

I have more but might bring those up in another post. What are some etiquette categories that you were taught growing up that isn't quite the same today? The only reason I bring this up is because I feel like America is losing respect for one another. We think so much of ourselves and not more of others. I haven't had these things in particular happen to me in the past month, but they have happened enough that I thought they would be good categories to start with.


  1. In the conversation category I would like to add texting. I find it extremely rude when you are talking to someone and they read an incoming text and then reply while you are sitting their. Even if they are the ones talking and texting it is still rude. I do feel that doing while someone else is talking is slightly more rude. Is it really that important that you have to read and text right at that moment? Big pet peeve of mine ;)

  2. That was going to be a new category for my next post on Etiquette. CELL PHONE ETIQUETTE! I totally agree with you on the texting issue. It is very rude

  3. i agree on the texting etiquette. i am a little torn on the RSVP thing because it seems like EVERYBODY is sending invites to things online, mostly through facebook, and i have such a hard time keeping track. I have missed weddings of important people because they only did facebook invites and I never saw it. It's even easy to RSVP and then forget that you ever did it when you are in the facebook rabbit hole.

    oh yeah, and i'm knocked up again! wait, was it bad etiquette to tell you on a blog? ;)

  4. I actually have another blog started that covers the whole texting thing cause it bugs me too. I don't think it is wrong for you to miss weddings or other invites that are done over FB. I think it is poor etiquette to send invites strictly through FB and not send any by mail. They can't expect people to remember. I am the same way when it comes to forgetting if I was invited to something thru FB, unless I write it in my calender right away.,
